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You hold the balance

you are the foundation

May 2, 2023

What do you see in your mind when you think about balance? Do you see a scale with weights on either side? Do you imagine yourself balancing on one foot? The yin yang symbol?

Often when we think about balance, we think about the flexible parts of balance; the varying weights. There's another part that we don't give enough credit to: the foundation. On a traditional scale, this is the stand on which the arms hold the weight. When you balance on one foot, that leg is the foundation on which you stand. In the yin yang symbol, the circle surrounding those light and dark elements holds it all together.

It is important to balance whatever energetic components are present. This is the part that we are certain of. Work life vs personal life. Platonic relationships vs romantic relationships. Business vs pleasure. Light vs dark. Good vs evil. You know the cliches.

But what's in the middle? YOU. You are what HOLDS the balance. That's why it's also important to take time to be still. What does being still look like? Turning your attention inward and checking on yourself. Taking a day off to spend alone. Feeding yourself the energy and attention that you are typically giving to others. Strengthening your mind and spirit.

This is a balancing act within itself. A balance of action and inaction. When we constantly exert our energy and efforts toward making things happen, it's easy to burn ourselves out. Action is tangible and allows us to see our efforts in real time. Inaction is intangible and allows us to reflect on our efforts and decide if and how to move forward.

The inner balance ensures the outer balance. If we (the inner balance) break, then our reality (the outer balance) can fall into a varying degree of chaos. Being still reserves your precious energy to make sure you don't break. This is not to say that people and situations can't act or change beyond our control. This is yet another reason why inner balance is so important. If you can remain calm and centered in the midst of chaos, your life will quickly fall back into balance.

Making sure you don't break will sometimes involve removing something from the scales to lighten or even the load. You may also have to divert your energy to other components. People and situations all need a little extra love at different times in life. Giving the necessary attention and efforts to all components will ensure that your experience is well-rounded and fulfilled.

In a way, holding the balance is much more complex than we have been taught. However, complex does not always mean difficult. Learning how to discern when to take action, when not to take action, and what action to take is all you need. It will take time and practice to get a good grip on it, but it gets easier to read the signs from your body and spirit.

Frustration and eagerness are your friends, as they will be indicators of what to do. Frustration can tell you when you need to give something a rest, whether it's momentary or indefinitely, or redirect your focus. Eagerness can tell you when it likely beneficial for you to take reasonable action.

Become more familiar with what it takes for your experience of life to eb and flow in a balanced way. This looks different for everyone. However, remember, it is YOU that holds the balance. Be sure to check in on yourself to ensure you remained strengthened to hold it.