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You Have to Do Your Part

to be divinely restored and established

December 13, 2023

You've known lack. You've known what it means to struggle to have your needs met, let alone your wants. You've known what it's like to not be sure where or when the next is coming.

When Spirit says that you'll be restored and established and never have to worry about lack again, that means more than money. That means strength, resolve, willpower, clarity, guidance.

Just like you don't always physically see your next check being made, you do know that you're putting in the work. If you're working for another human being, by law, they have to compensate you for your time and labor. And those are laws that can be and sometimes are broken.

Spirit is the same way; if you live your life answering your calling, whatever that may look like for you, and living through love, by spiritual law, you have to be compensated. You will be provided with what you need on your journey. This is done by staying connected to SOURCE through your intuition. You don't always SEE with your physical eyes the ways in which you'll be provided for. But Spirit will guide you, through your connection, to the people and resources you need. And that's a law that CAN'T BE BROKEN. Not only that, but you will prosper and have a good life, just by believing it.

The work that you do is for you and others. The believing is for Spirit.

We need much more than money in this life. It is a tool to live a good life just like strength, health, resolve, willpower, resiliency, peace, safety, knowledge, wisdom, and community. Money is one of the few physical things that we actually require to live a decent life. Which amounts to a small percentage of what we need in this life. Which lets me know that we are so much more that just our physical bodies. We are mostly spiritual beings, because the things of most value...are not physical. Most of the things that can make our life the best and most peaceful..are not physical.

Your physical senses lie to you in a way. They obtain information only from what is present at any and every given moment. We know the possibilites are there, and that they are endless. We know that things change all the time. We know that sometimes it just happens, without us being able to prepare for it. So because your senses are so tactile, they feed you constant and sometimes intense information of what you are physically experiencing. This causes your flesh, your mind, to go against everything your intuition is feeding you from the spiritual realm. Especially in challenging situations. If your intuition is under or undeveloped, the emotions, feelings, and thoughts that result from your physical senses can run rampant and wear and tear on your psyche, your body, and your faith. Your intuition will never fail to lead you exactly where you need to go.

When you inevitably run into challenges, it is a testing and STRENGTHENING of not only your character, but your intuition and faith as well. Try not to think of it in a way of Spirit testing you out of spite or leading you on and on just because. Your intuition is a muscle. Just like when you lift weights, you have to do repetitions and numerous sessions before you see any gain. The same is with your intuition. You have to go through many challenging moments that cause you to tap in and exercise that faith and intuition so that they can get stronger.

Eventually, you begin to rely more and more on faith and intuition instead of your feelings, emotions, and physical senses. The less you rely on them, the less you use them and exercise them. So they become weaker. The goal is not to completely deprive the senses and emotions. The goal is to allow them to become the lesser percentage of your daily guidance.

This is why fasting during challenging times is often used to get closer to Spirit. The less you feed your senses, the more you can work on your faith and intuition. It seems counterintuitive because when you are hungry or you want entertainment or stimulation, your mind wants to focus on that. But when you are full and satisfied, most of your energy and time is used to process that food, which is a significant amount, and your faith is not needed very much at the moment because you feel everything is ok. This is where freewill comes in. What will you choose to focus on? How will you expend your energy? This is also where resolve and willpower comes in. These are the byproducts that are increased everytime you exercise faith and intuition.

So when there's something that you want or need, that is synonymous to your goal for working out, which is growth or toning of a certain muscle or fat loss. Sometimes the end goal is simply endurance. The same is true for exercising faith. Sometimes our faith is used to gain something in our lives or get rid of something that's affecting us in a way we don't like. But we never really exercise our faith, just to make sure it's still strong. Why would we? Most of us fight all our lives to not be in a situation in which we HAVE to exercise faith, because the process to the end goal is, more often that not, very unpleasant.

The process of working out is not very pleasant for some people. I imagine that the process of exercising faith is not pleasant for anyone at all. Just like you have to just keep working out and not focus on the muscle gain so often, you have to focus on exercising faith and not focus on the outcome so often. Although, you should always remember WHY you're doing it. Before you know it, those muscles are popping, that fat percentage is down, your pants are too big, and that butt is looking good. In the same token, before you know it, what you've been waiting for to happen in your life, is happening.

Once you get there, you can't stop. You don't get to your weight or body goal, then never work out again AND keep eating bad. It'll just come back. As with faith, once you have manifested your outcome, you have to make sure you're living a life and practicing habits that help keep that reality or multiply your results for the future. If you want to keep it where it is, then continue doing what you were doing. Whatever methods you used to tap more into your intuition and exercise your faith, keep doing it!

For me that looks like knowing that my feelings and emotions are just feedback from my physical senses moment to moment and from past experiences. They are based off of what I'm experiencing or NOT experiencing physically. But my faith knows that everything I want and need is my birthright and that Spirit/Universe works in ways that we couldn't know of. If I'm seeking to strengthen my faith and intuition, I can tap deeper into knowing those things can and will happen for me at the perfect time.

But because we are energetically absorbent creatures, we pick up habits, mannerisms and all kinds of heavy energetic things that can slow the process of manifestation. There are deep programmings that have to be cleared most of the time before we can get what we want or need and KEEP IT. This is why exercising faith can be so hard. We don't realize the ways in which we are not ready for what we are asking for and thinking that we need RIGHT NOW. And while this is not for the weak, it is something we all have the ability to do. The process cleans us up so that we may be good soil for our manifestations to be planted into.

So feel your feelings, express them, cry, throw stuff (not at others 👀) but DO NOT LET YOUR MIND BEGIN A DOWNWARD SPIRAL. That is where a lot of us mess up; that's when the process is really tricky. But don't alway give in to them either. Don't go crying every little chance you get. You have to speak life and strength into yourself. Do what you still can. Literally. Do what you can. It is a process. It's gonna take time. But you still have a daily physical life to live. Don't force the process. Spirit will privide what you need along the way. Create moments of joy when you can. Be grateful for what you DO have. Be grateful for what you are being protected from. If you rush it and force it into being through sheer willpower, you will either fail miserably if your way just won't happen AT ALL or you will accomplish a lot less than what's best and perfect for you, and you may not even be able to hold on to it. It may slip right through your hands, because anything Spirit gives you, is going to be SOLID. Brick solid.

Keep an open mind. You may have some experiences that are totally unrelated to what you wanted to manifest. Often times, we will look back and realize how certain experiences made us better or stronger in ways that we didn't know we could be. It could simply be a byproduct of the process and the knowledge you gain can be shared with others. That is how life works after all. Yes, everyone has to have their own experiences but we learn form each other everyday. It's good for others to hear your story. It's a great source of encouragement for someone else's process.

It really is no pain, no gain over here.