What is on your plate? Emotionally? Mentally? Energetically?
What are you allowing others to serve and feed you? Emotionally? Mentally? Energetically?
As children, a lot of us were expected to eat whatever we were fed without objection. However, as adults, we typically eat whatever we want. Often times for a lot of us, it's not the healthiest.
We have to think of our lives, our relationships and interactions, the same way.
Whether we are at work, dealing with family, starting a new relationship, we have to pay attention to what energy, emotions and mindsets others are attempting to invoke in us. What are others trying to feed you? Are you consuming it? Do you want it? Do you like it?
Keep in mind that others may not be consciously aware of the energy that they are projecting on to you. And that is not your problem. Even if they are aware, it's still not your problem. In fact, the only two things that are your concern are, the energy YOU project on to others and your awareness of what you are allowing yourself to intake and consume.
If you are reading this, you most likely have some visions and goals that you would like to realize in your life. It is important to be sure that you focus and energetically consume only what is related to, or helping, your visions and goals. You have to have a HUNGER for what you say you want, and an appetite for NOTHING ELSE.
Life will always present us with challenges and distractions; sometimes in the form of what we never thought we'd encounter. The good thing about challenges is that they provide growth, and opportunity to refocus, and a chance to strengthen your resolve. The bad thing about challenges is that they will sometimes push you more than what you were expecting or ready for. (Which honestly is a good thing in disguise. Growing pains, right?)
Certain challenges will come directly from the energy of another person, but we have the right to refuse, object, and say no. What makes or breaks your refusal or objection is how you do it. Are you operating through love and kindness? Or are you allowing others to get you out of character? The latter is not worth it.
I want to say here that I'm not encouraging you to be a doormat. However, there are words and actions that come from ill will just as much as pure intent. Whichever one you operate from is what you will eventually get back.
So, what do you hunger for in your life? What mindset do you wish to be in everyday? Make sure you put THAT on your plate. Want something sweet? Sure, put that on too. Maybe even eat dessert first. Just be sure to say no to whatever you know is not beneficial to your overall visions and goals.
Stay healthy. Emotionally. Mentally. Energetically. t4ryoy