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Take the first step

toward your dreams

April 18, 2023

Whether you are building your own business, learning a new language, or starting an emotional healing journey, JUST TAKE THE FIRST STEP. We all have something in our lives that we'd like to see happen. More often than not, we dwell on the end results and the dreamy, romantic view of it.

But when we think about what it takes to get started, we cringe a little inside. That's understandable. As humans, we acknowdlege the fair amount of effort it takes to get somewhere we've never been before. What we often forget, is that there's only so much we can do at one time anyway.

So, you might as well just take the first step. This is not to say that you don't need to gather resources and information. However, sometimes all you need is enough for the first step, then you can worry about step two and three when the time comes.

Focus on one step at a time...

This is how you build momentum and tap into your natural-born resilience. Those two things will be of great help when times of failure and missteps come. Momentum helps you to see how far you've come and holds the energy you need to push forward. Resilience helps you to acknowledge the challenges that are present, but gives you the willpower to take action anyway because you know what is to be gained.

Whenever you're taking on a new journey, you will slip, you will fall, and you will want to give up. Giving up is your choice, but the difference between giving up and pushing forward is the better chances of reaching your goal. It's either that or spending the rest of your life wondering what could have been.

So if you choose to take the first step and push forward, here's a little encouragement; know that our plans rarely ever pan out how we envision it. Speaking form personal experience, it sucks, but your character and resolve will be better for it. Life is unpredictable, and if we learn how to harness the winds of change and challenge, we can't be stopped. By the time you reach your goal, things will be much different than you anticipated, but it will mean so much more to you because it'll be a part of you.

Believe in your own strength.

Take the first step...