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reconnect with your intuition

June 22, 2023

We only have ear ringing moments, synchronicities, and signs because we didn't listen to our intuition the first time.

Our intuition is using our surroundings to get our attention and get a message to us that it has already told us. We should always be in tune and pay attention to our intuition. It's our 6th sense after all. Just like the senses of the physical body and how we are in tune with them. We don't even think twice about it. And if one of those senses is cut off or disabled temporarily, we immediately notice and the quality of our life decreases.

The same is with intuition. Without the necessary connection to intuition, we become rather obtuse people, making some of the lowest vibrational choices that we do choose. That's why for generations now, there have been so many low vibrational choices made by people in the earlier half of their lives. Usually around 50-70 is when we start reflecting on our past choices and making an effort to either fix the results of past choices or make amends.

Our intuition speaks to us without using our surroundings to do so. However, sometimes you still will have those moments when you remember a truth for the first time and that experience will stand out to the senses. We are born intuitively knowing "right from wrong" at the basic level. As we grow and mature, we begin to have individually based experiences. And so we may not immediately have the answer because it's not a "normal" experience. That is when we start experiencing flashes of "knowing". Even in the younger years.

We may look back on such times and say "I knew I shouldn't have done it. I knew it was bad, but I did it anyway". So if we're now 50 saying that we knew we shouldn't have done something when we were 8, didn't we know it all along? Not just now? So why didn't we listen to that "knowing" when we were 8?

Perhaps it's because we weren't made to be aware of that consciousness. That intuition. We were born with it.

It makes sense to say that intuition is Spirit talking to us. Which would mean that Spirit is always talking to us. We are always in communication with God. Because God is in us. Our intuition is in the driver seat of our existence (not our mind), which would be our "higher self". Our higher self does not exist in this physical plane. Anything that is not on this spiritual plane resides in the SPIRITUAL realm, where SPIRIT resides. So our higher self is in direct contact and communion with God. Therefore, our intuition is Spirit talking to us.

We, as a collective, desparately need to reconnect with our intution. Not just so that we stop making low vibrational and harmful choices, but also so that we can receive the constant spiritual guidance that is specific to us and always available to us.

The saying goes, "no one knows you better than you know yourself" and that is because our soul's intuition has all the information you need for you. No one else.

Reconnect with your intuition. Reconnect with you.