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personifying god

how far should it go?

June 9, 2023

As a child growing up in church, I was introduced to God as "He". It is suggested that God is a man, or male figure. I grew up hearing phrases like "the man upstairs" and "heavenly father". Now to be honest, I have no issues with the "heavenly father". It's the "man upstairs" that's always made me cringe.

Let me say, I understand the human need to personify things that we can't easily relate to in order to be able to understand it from our human point of view. Since God is a concious being just as we are, that is a huge similarity. So I know that most people who say "the man upstairs" are only doing so in order to feel closer to and revere God in a way.

This is also where I feel like it gets a little dangerous. If we use that phrase often, then we're using the word "man" to describe both God and mankind on earth. I believe that after a while, the subconcious mind begins to mix the characteristics of both since one term is being used for both. Which can skew the truest perspective we can, and should, have of God.

For instance, mankind lies. God cannot lie.

Mankind holds things against each other. God's nature is naturally forgiving.

Mankind makes decisons based emotions a lot of times. God is not driven by emotions.

If you use this term, I'm honestly not suggesting that you stop. I am only offering a new perspective on this term. I think that one should be careful if they're going to use "man" to describe God, so as to not subconsciously lump God in with mankind.

I think there are much more beautiful terms to use to refer to God. Creator. Source. Abba. Universe. I personally like Spirit. Because we are spiritual beings as well and we can draw upon that to relate to God. When God communicates with us, it's through our spirit or spiritual "anttenas" if you will, like our mind, our heart, our dreams. So we don't have to bring God down to our level of mankind to relate. It's too much room for confusion.

God is a God of infinity. All things. Way more than what mankind can do or experience alone. God deserves to be referred to the very least...