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pain and pleasure

the thin line between the two

May 9, 2023

Pain and pleasure are two of the feelings that we all tend to have somewhat complicated relationships with. Pain, we try and escape, but it can help us grow. Pleasure, we seek fervently from the moment we are born, but can sometimes be a distraction or become an addiction.

But what are these two major feelings telling us? There are no other feelings or emotions that we reply to with such actions. There are many things that can make us feel either of these feelings. Sometimes we even receive these feelings differently; what causes one person pleasure can cause another pain.

What I've noticed that pain and pleasure are telling us, is that there is a significant event happening. This event could be internal or external. Meaning, the source of pain could be physical, mental or emotional. The same goes for pleasure.

If it's not a current significant event, then it is the memory of one. A significant event does not always have to be something that drastically changes the course of your life. Sometimes, a significant event is simply one that holds significant meaning to you, no matter how small.

Now of course, we mostly see pain and pleasure as two very distinct feelings. Almost opposites. But looking at the two from a physiological perspective, they are similar in how they are experienced in the body. Think about it. When you burn your hand while cooking versus when you take a long hot shower after a long day. Or, when you lose a beloved family member versus when you realize you are deeply in love with your partner. What are the similarites? The senses are involved. The effect it has on the nervous system. They both can be the onset of a myriad of other emotions.

I won't get super science-y here, but neurologically, pain and pleasure are two different sides of the same coin; they activate the same area of the brain. Is that to say that they are the same? No. However, they both quite literally have an intense impact on the nervous system. And if it is a memory, well you are just reliving that pain or pleasure.

Here's the main difference: your perspective. Now obviously, we all agree that some things are clearly one or the other. I believe that is just the basic nature of the body ensuring it's safety, like not harming the skin and internal organs or being properly cleansed and maintained. When it comes to mental and emotional matters, we have more of a choice than we think. No, we may not be able to turn moments of deep pain into pleasure, but we can decide HOW painful we allow a moment or memory to be. And not to mention, we wouldn't dare try to make a pleasureable moment painful.

...then again..we do that too.

We look back on pleasurable times in our lives and feel pain because we are not experiencing those moments any longer. So you see, pain and pleasure are surely the same sides of a coin. Or a thin line between the two. It depends on what side you are looking from.