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mind your spaces and places

July 6, 2023

Have you ever returned to a place you haven't visited in a long period of time? Then you know how long lost and deep seated memories can come rushing back.

Or what about when you return home after work, and suddenly you remember the conversation you had that morning with your partner after not thinking about it all day.

What about when you walk into a room, and you forgot what you were there to do?

Now the last example can be explained with a more physical, psychological reason. It's call the "doorway effect". It's when you forget something or your memory fails you when you walk from one space or location to another.

One thing all of these examples have in common is the idea of spaces and places holding the energy of a memory or memories. This is something that can happen on a smaller or larger scale. Even if it is not an actual memory that you are mentally aware of, the spaces and places that you are in hold them. Sometimes, it just takes you being in a particular space or place to trigger a memory. Take the example of returning to your childhood home. You may begin to reminisce and in the process you remember a detail that you had long forgotten, or so you thought.

So while the memory was there all along, it wasn't until you returned to that certain place that the memory had an opportunity to come back to the forefront of your mind.

Spaces and places don't just hold the energy of memories specifically though. Certain places can just hold certain energies of people, activites, or ideologies. Actually, depending on where you are and the energy it holds, it can not only trigger memories, but also new thoughts and ideas. Even the same space can hold multiple energies that affect different people in their own way.

This is why some people travel as a form of inspiration for their craft. Why some people come up with their best ideas and projects at the studio rather than at home. Why some people can't focus on writing that book or article when they're sitting in their bedroom. Why some people relocate or move across the country to start over.

Sometimes the space or place that you're in is not conducive to what you're trying to accomplish. Sometimes, you've simply outgrown your current space. Your location can either help you or hinder you.

This is why it's important to be mindful of the spaces and places that you occupy. It may not be necessary for you to pick up your life and move it hundreds of miles away. Maybe you just need to find a different coffee shop to work at. Maybe that studio you had with a business partner is harboring residual energy of a collaboration gone bad and you need to find a new one. Maybe moving to a rural part of town with abundant nature parks will offer more inspired ideas, or vice versa.

Keep this in mind whenever you are working on your next project, thinking about travelling, or find your mind going off on a tangent (this literally just happened to me). Ask yourself, how is this space/place affecting me? You may not need to change anything. You may be just fine where you are.

But you also may need to make some changes. Don't worry if it's not physically feasible at the moment. Maybe make a long term plan to change it. Or maybe it's an opportunity to change and adopt a new perspective about your surroundings. You could do both; adopt a new perspective about your surroundings while you wait to be able to change it. It can only help you be more flexible and mindful in the long run.

Whatever you do, mind your spaces and places. Your energetic health depends on it.