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know when to stop digging

July 13, 2023

There comes a time in life when we have to know when to stop digging and put the shovel down.

Most of us spend the peaks our lives investing blood, sweat, and tears into something. Whether that's our job/career, our children's livelihood and future, or a self-started company surrounding our life's passion.

It's not at all a bad thing to invest in anything. After all, we are here to experience life to the fullest, and we can't do that if we don't dive in. So we dig. We dig by gaining knowledge and training, putting ourselves out there the best we know how, working long hours, and spending money on things we expect to return to us in a different or better value. We do these things over and over because we've been taught that you simply have to put in the work and things will happen for you.

However, sometimes we find ourselves digging for YEARS for nothing to turn up. Or, if something does turn up, it's not what we had our sights set on. That leaves us blaming ourselves, the system, or maybe even someone else for what we deem as a failure. We feel a huge void where we expected fulfillment.

That void we're feeling, is the void that we dug. And dug and dug. We find ourselves looking for the void to be filled but we're not sure how to. So we continue doing the only thing we know how to do. Dig.

When you're digging, you're looking down. Burrowing all of your energy and efforts. We don't realize that we need to pause and look up, to take a breather. We don't realize that we needed to stop digging at some point and allow Spirit to fill that void for us the best way only Spirit knows how to do. Because when you take a break from having your head down and doing the work, and you have faith in Spirit and believe that what is for you will indeed find you, when you look back down, that void will be filled.

There are always energies at play that are beyond our understanding. But as long as we are digging and doing and digging and doing, the energy that we expend by doing so is getting in the way of Spirit's energy being able to step in and add the elements that we don't have the capability to add. In other words, we have to learn how to get out of our own way.

I know it can sometimes seem like nothing is going to work out despite what you do. This is the time when it can be helpful to go within, consult with your intuition, consult with Spirit, to gain clarity on how to move forward. Or if you should move forward at all. It can be a disappointment to realize that a dream you had, may not be for you.

But that is actually a blessing in itself! It's better to know than to keep investing in something that was not best for you. Believe that what's actually for you will be far better and fulfilling than you may currently realize.

If you have faith in the hole you're digging, have faith in Spirit to fill that void. Have faith that you don't have to do all the work yourself. The more you dig, the deeper the hole gets, and the longer it will take to fill it. It's good to dig the holes. It's how you gain your life experience. We will all dig many holes and create many voids in our life.

So, let us learn when it's time to stop and let Sprit finish the rest, or to stop and move on to a different one.