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Faith , Desires, and Purpose

oh my 😅

December 13, 2023

We are not meant to figure it all out. There are many other physical aspects that have to come into play, into alignment for a thing to happen.

A harmonious thing.

When we take it upon ourselves to figure it all out alone, our experience is limited and less than because we were only able to ascertain a limited amount of physical evidence, information, and results. When we allow Spirit, God, Source, the Universe to gather and organize what we can't, that is when a harmonious thing can happen and we are limitless.

Doing more doesn't beget more. Doing and being exactly who we are begets us an infinite amount of possibilities and the perfect possibility all at once. Once you commit to you, the true you, you will see a breakthrough where there seemed to be only frustrations and setbacks.

Breakthrough isn't always dramatic. Sometimes it's a series of subtle moments of letting go and pressing on. Then that last subtle moment comes and you, slowly but surely, start to see your surroundings match your dreams.

The physical manifestaion is nothing compared to the amount of faith you have to build and nurture in order to bring it in.


Desires and wants are two different things. Wants are smaller and more frequent. Spurts of energy. Desires are deeper and last longer. Some wants have the potential to turn into desires if they are not fulfilled immediately. They become stronger and more deeply embedded into our soul. Or they eventually dissipate.


Our purpose is to achieve harmony with our existence and come back to love. That is the purpose that we ALL have. The different ways in which we achieve that harmony is our individual "purpose".

Just like we all have different perspectives on life and truth, depending on the hand we were dealt before coming into existence, we are all meant to follow our own most aligned path back home to love and harmony. Our purpose is to be who only we can be and do what we do best.

What that looks like specifically on a day to day basis, can look similar to what others are doing. We are all made to live through love with certain general behaviors. But you are also doing it that way that ONLY YOU can do it.