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Close your eyes

and breathe...

September 7, 2022

Welcome to my blog! In this corner of my universe, I go by Pheabe. Hopefully by now you have seen my artistry (if not, please feel free to explore!), but on this side you'll get a peek into the magical mystery of my mind and life! Visual arts is just one of my passions and talents. I have accomplished 30 solar returns, however I did not think that art would ever be a talent of mine, let alone a passion. As destiny would have it, after my 24th solar return, I was introduced to painting as a soothing activity. Little did I know, I would continue creating masterpieces on my own. It has actually become a favorite pastime of mine, and I have explored this talent in many different contexts and mediums.

In my down time, I love to write, read, connect the many dots of existence, cook, dance, travel, and sit quietly in holy melancholy to be one with joy and wisdom. Growing up, I loved to read. Television was not allowed for most of my childhood. I truly believe that is why my imagination is as strong and wild as it is today. When you read, you have to conjure images internally to match the words on the pages, and it came so naurally to me. One of my goals in life is to share as much of the eclectic images in my mind's eye with the world as possible.

Something that you will learn about me, not much through my art, but more through my writings, is that I am a true romantic. I used to wear the label "hopeless romantic" like a proud tattoo, not realising that I was speaking heartache over my life. Once I learned that what we speak manifests, I changed that label and never looked back. I am a true romantic. Not only do I wear that proudly, but I now humbly make it an experience for others to the best of my human ability, as Spirit makes love an experience for me everyday.

I hope that for you, my blog will become a place of delight and wonder, not of me, but of the connection you make to what I share. I welcome you to a world of (in)vision as far as the mind can see, and of beauty as much as the eye can behold. Close your eyes and breathe...