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a new perspective

June 10, 2023

Is Earth a globe? Is it flat? I honestly think it's both, depending on what perspective you're veiwing from.

Now don't call me crazy just yet.

We know that there are realms that we can't experience with our physical senses and existence. The spiritual realm, for instance. We can experience the spiritual realm through our intuition, dreams, and meditation because we are spiritual beings as well as human beings. So if we are spiritual beings as well as human beings, why wouldn't Earth be too?

I'm gonna get a little nerdy on you...if you think about existence from the 1D (first density/dimension), Earth is just a single point. A dot. In the 2nd, it covers more space and has another dimension of depth. It'd most likely be a circle, just a flat circle like on a map of the planets. I think that could be part of the root of the flat Earth belief. So in the 3rd, it gains yet another dimension of depth, and that's when a globe like structure would form. Earth would be circular no matter which way you cut it.

So where does that leave the 4th, 5th and so on? I think that remains to be seen. Mankind has not seen it all. We don't know the complete truth about existence as a whole, but I feel that every so often, someone has come up with a really good idea about what could be.

We know from history that society has not been too kind to those who present an idea that is completely different than anything heard before. An idea that would debase a current, comfortable belief.

I believe that being that way is what keeps the collective mankind in a box. Now, of course, there are times where we should be on one accord. If we didn't, we'd never move ahead as a society. But in order TO move ahead when the time comes, we have to be open to new ideas. A new perspective.

We're meant to grow mentally and spiritually, just as we're meant to grow physically. In order to do so, we have to keep a generally open mind and allow in new perspectives from time to time. This is not to say that we have to change our lives accordingly every single time, or abandon our own beliefs when a new one comes along. A lot of times, it is really beneficial to simply be able to hold multiple perspectives so that we can develop a deeper view on something. Having a well rounded view on life can be fulfilling.

Ignorance may be bliss, but an open mind is freedom.

Try seeing things from a new perspective sometimes. Ask others what their perspective is on a topic, and just listen. Be curious. If you don't agree with them, that's ok. The one thing you will surely gain, is a deeper veiw of the world around you.